

Governor Hochul Announces Completion of Newly Expanded $8 Million Community Center in Troy

Apr 11, 2024 | Announcements

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Governor Kathy Hochul today announced the completion of an $8 million expansion to the Commission for Economic Opportunity’s Community Resource Center in Troy. The new Community Resource Center Bridge building provides early childhood education, senior and youth programming, and nutrition and wellness resources.

“The transformation of the Commission for Economic Opportunity’s Community Resource Center will give new life to this vibrant community anchor that has lifted up families across the Capital Region,” Governor Hochul said. “Thanks to this investment, this project will help to improve health and wellness for Troy families, enrich the lives of our seniors, and secure a brighter future for New York’s children and teens.”

The new building offers additional space for CEO’s programming. Public health considerations were incorporated in response to COVID-19, including ventilation and proper technology for remote operations. A new playground and outdoor pavilion will offer a new safe space for outdoor play, as well as an area for events, food distribution, and other outdoor activities. The building houses three large Head Start classrooms, the Troy Youth Alliance, and community programming including digital equity access, parenting classes, and wellness education.

The project is supported by $6 million of Community Development Block Grant CARES Act funding administered by New York State Homes and Community Renewal awarded to the Commission on Economic Opportunity for the Greater Capital Region, Inc. Additional funding for this project comes from the Department of State’s Downtown Revitalization Initiative, Troy Redevelopment Foundation, Administration for Children and Family Services’ Office of Head Start, Troy Savings Bank Charitable Foundation, Stephen J. McKee Foundation, Capital District Physicians’ Health Plan and numerous other community partners.

New York State Homes and Community Renewal Commissioner RuthAnne Visnauskas said, “This newly expanded community facility will support the city’s downtown with much-needed programs and keep children, families, and seniors safe and healthy. We are proud that this project will assist multiple generations of residents and will play an important role in the future of Troy. We thank our local partners for their important contributions to the project, especially the Commission on Economic Opportunity who provided the vision for this building and overcame COVID-related operational challenges to make this day a reality.”

Secretary of State Robert J. Rodriguez said, “The Downtown Revitalization Initiative helps communities take a holistic approach harnessing multiple facets of life in a downtown, including the community resource centers, outdoor space, training, jobs and housing. This Commission for Economic Opportunity’s Community Resource Center, along with its new public outdoor space in Troy is a great example of how the DRI program supports vital projects like this to create a place to live, work, play and receive vital resources needed to foster growth and success in a community. The Department of State is proud to have played a part.”

Representative Paul Tonko said, “Today’s announcement is a shining example of how federal investments can uplift our communities and address critical needs, especially in times of crisis. With this funding – made possible by the 2020 CARES Act – the Commission for Economic Opportunity will be able to expand a wide range of vital services for the residents of Troy, from early childhood education and wellness resources to senior and youth programming. I’m proud of my work on the federal level to advance the CARES Act, and I’m grateful to Governor Hochul and the community partners in Troy who saw this need in our community and delivered the funding to meet it.”

State Senator Jacob Ashby said, “CEO’s proven track record of uplifting families through education, nutrition and wellness programming and community building for seniors is why I can feel so confident that this investment will pay dividends for years to come. I’ve been proud to support this project, and I’m grateful for the administration’s support as we continue to work together to provide hardworking families with effective pathways to the middle class.”

Assemblymember John T. McDonald III, RPh said, “The Commission on Economic Opportunity provides individuals and families with tools they can use to enrich their lives and lift themselves out of poverty. This community center expansion has given CEO the opportunity upgrade and modernize their facilities and programmatic services allowing significant improvements that will impact everyone from older adults to young children. I applaud CEO for its initiative in developing this Community Center. I was proud to secure funding toward this impactful project. Thank you to Governor Hochul and Homes and Community Renewal for continuing to invest in projects that will expand crucial programs and services that will significantly improve the community.”

President and CEO of the Commission for Economic Opportunity Sue Rosa said, “It’s been exciting to see the vision for the Community Resource Center (CRC) Bridge building become a reality. Since opening our doors, we have been providing preschool education and wrap-around support services to over 50 children and their families daily. We have successfully launched a series of community wellness and education classes, offering financial literacy, safety, and employment training, as well as digital literacy and technology access/support services to low-to-moderate income residents of Troy, with a focus on youth and seniors. The CRC Bridge building is also a collaborative hub for the Troy Youth Alliance, a group of grassroots organizations working collectively towards mentoring and supporting at-risk youth because we are stronger together. CEO is proud that the programs and services within this facility will expand upon the over 11,000 individuals served annually and will continue our commitment to helping people to help themselves and each other. This is Community Action at its best!”

The federal Community Development Block Grant CARES Act funding was allocated to states in 2020 to support community projects that address pandemic-related health and safety issues and improve public services.

Troy was the winner of $10 million DRI funds in Round 5. With significant recent and ongoing investment, including market-rate and affordable housing, new commercial space, and trail and public space improvements, Troy aims to leverage significant private investment to create new mixed-use space, increase public gathering space, and solve their lack of parking in order to achieve their goal of using public spaces and urban amenities to connect economic catalysts, neighborhoods, and innovation centers around their destination riverfront. The DRI award also included a safe outdoor area for community events and services including the newly expanded CEO Community Resource Center, which provides childcare and other family support services to the community.



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