Weatherization Assistance
Weatherizing a home is a great way to save money each month. CEO’s Weatherization Assistance program offers FREE insulation and air-sealing services to eligible residents in Rensselaer County.
With increasing costs of utilities, by weatherizing your home, you can lower the amount of kilowatts and fuel used in your home, thus lowering your utility bill while also making your home safer and more comfortable. Lower monthly costs means more money in your pocket for other important things.
CEO’s energy auditors, certified by the Building Performance Institute (BPI), will travel to your home after your application has been approved. The auditor will perform a visual check of your home to spot areas of concern, like broken windows or holes in the walls. Next, they will use a “blower door” device to push air through the entire building. This helps our team to measure the air leakage of the home and where your heat is escaping.

“Very happy and the guys went above and beyond with their work ethic! Phenomenal work!! I’m very impressed!”

With that information, the auditors will develop a custom plan for your home using some or all of the following services:
- Adding or improving insulation in walls, attics and crawl spaces
- Adding weather-stripping on doors and windows
- Caulking around openings
- Patching holes in walls or windows
- Testing, cleaning, repairing or possibly even upgrading heating systems
Once your home has been weatherized you can expect to see a drastic decrease in your monthly energy bills.


All who apply must meet the income requirements below. However, a household is automatically eligible if a household member:
- Receives supplemental security income
- Is on the food stamp program
- Is HEAP eligible
- Is on Public Assistance
Please review this chart for the 2024-2025 income eligibility guidelines.
Renters may also apply if more than half of the building’s tenants meet the eligibility guidelines and the building contains up to 4 units (with landlord approval).

Office Location
Troy Family Resource Center
2347 Fifth Avenue
Troy NY, 12180